The all-white scheme became monotonous, so I decided to spice things up a little bit with a new banner, layout, and color palate. I also added a Twitter feed.
Thank you to those who continue to enjoy DYB! Pic not related.
A friend over at NT graciously packaged all of Kanye's new songs together as a little treat to hold us over until his new album – titled My Twisted, Dark Fantasy – drops on Nov. 22. Props to tyisny for putting this together!
I'm sorry, but I just can't stop watching Glee. Call me gay, but it's very entertaining.
Enter our friend Nick Pitera (who is actually from Woodbury, Minn., but now works for Disney in Cali), who you may know as the guy who can sing ridiculously well in a womanly voice. Here's his spin on a Glee song:
Here's the song that was Nick's big break, in case you missed it: